Sunday 21 August 2022

Autumn 🍃🍂🍁

When the morning breeze turns pleasant,

gently cooling your cheeks with their presence.

When they blow the hair in your eyes,

making you lift your chin like a happy pup from a car window.

When the sky is turquoise and crystal  clear,

turning sunlight into transparent gold.

You know Fall is round the corner,

waiting to mesmerize with its magical powers.

Colours to drench you in, beauty to soak you with.

Autumn, the showstopper amongst  seasons!

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Continuous thoughts!

Let us be ourselves, and embrace the universe. 

Though, what we are but the minutest dust in comparison.

Let us mitigate the sizes of our Egos and embrace the limitless. 

What good is it if it divides us into a billion pieces.