Friday 31 July 2015

Foundation of friendship.

Friendship day is observed in many countries on the 1st Sunday of August, it was founded in 1919 by Hallmark. In 1998,"Winnie the Pooh" was declared to be the ambassador of Friendship day at UN. In 2011 UN declared 30th July to be observed as International Day of Friendship.

Friendship day is approaching and it holds different meanings for different people.

A building is as strong as its foundation, similarly a relationship is also as strong as its foundation.  Talking about a very important relashionship " friendship", one can say that friends are earned at different stages and from various spaces of life. Be it from school, college, neighbourhood, work or God forbid from virtual space.
What remains the same in all these cases is the equal effort required in the form of attention, consideration, love, compassion, empathy  and mutual respect to bind the cement of companionship.

It has been written earlier and experienced  by many, that the age and duration of a friendship is not what makes it work, it is the quality and the depth of understanding  between two friends that makes the foundation strong, increasing its longevity .

People often take for granted the people they have known  for a long time. Sometimes they do not invest their energy or time in  fathoming the intricacies of a person's characteristics, instead impose their self absorbed tendencies on others and this one way interaction results in  the weakening of the foundation of friendship.

Another lightning bolt wrecking havoc on a relashionship is ego, it is one of the foremost reasons in creating cracks in the foundation, it eats the very core like termites eating wood and makes the foundation so hollow over time that the whole building of friendship crumbles like a house of cards in seconds as soon as it is put to a phase of emotional turmoil. All those years gone waste in the blink of an eye!

It takes such a long time in building trust that friends should take care that those precious moments, memories and melody of a beautiful relationship be nurtured, without traces of ego, envy, mistrust, conditions  and too much expectations to ensure a healthy, long and strong friendship which can withstand any emotional storm.

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